Blackberry Storm is the latest Smartphone from Blackberry Store for Indian users. It comes with easy touch navigation screen and 3.2 MP camera for taking high quality images. Storm design is similar to other Blackberry phones and looks professional. The bigger screen and good connectivity features makes it easy for browsing and watching videos or documents. It’s available with Vodafone and Idea GSM service operators.
Key Features:
- Camera (3.2 MP)
- Built-in GPS
- Media Player
- Video Recording
- BlackBerry® Maps
- Wireless Email
- Organizer
- Browser
- Phone
- Corporate Data Access
- Bluetooth
Dimensions: 112.5 mm x 62.2 mm x 13.95 mm
Weight: 155 gm
Display: 3.25-inch screen size with High resolution 480 x 360 pixel color display
Memory: 128 MB RAM and 1 GB internal memory, microSD card support up to 16 GB
Battery: 1400 mAh Li-Ion battery with 6 hours talk time and stand by time up to 15 days
Price: It’s available with Idea Cellular and Vodafone GSM service providers at a price tag of 22,500 Rs