Samsung India mobile division has recently launched Corby Speed in India to enhance their market share in CDMA space. Currently Samsung Mobiles are doing good in Indian market with 25% market share for CDMA network in 2009, improved from 6.5% in 2008. Corby Speed is touchscreen mobile phone with...
Compaq Presario CQ61-300 is meant for personal as well as professional use with 15.6-inch LED display and complete keyboard with numeric keypad. The notebook runs on Windows 7 Home Operating System with Intel dual-core processors for high performance. Unique Imprint design in a glossy black finish makes it look stylish...
Compaq Presario CQ40-600 notebook PC is meant for mobility with stylish looks. The notebook comes in four models to choose from and is feature packed for high performance. 14.1-inch screen with HDMI port and good sound quality makes it good for video purpose. Black glossy finish is stylish. Today...
Compaq Presario CQ40-600 notebook PC is meant for mobility with stylish looks. The notebook comes in four models to choose from and is feature packed for high performance. 14.1-inch screen with HDMI port and good sound quality makes it good for video purpose. Black glossy finish is stylish. Today...
Compaq Presario CQ40-600 notebook PC is meant for mobility with stylish looks. The notebook comes in four models to choose from and is feature packed for high performance. 14.1-inch screen with HDMI port and good sound quality makes it good for video purpose. Black glossy finish is stylish. Today...
Compaq 610 Notebook PC is designed for mobile users looking for affordable notebook with 15.6-inch LED-backlit HD display, Intel processors and general usage business features. The notebook 16:9 aspect ratio wide screen produces brighter images similar to latest HDTV and consumes less power than regular LCD screens. There are...
Lenovo Value Line G Series notebooks are affordable and good for personal use. There are three different series – G550, G530 and G450. Today we are covering G550 2958H2Q specifications, price details and our verdict for this affordable notebook. Model – Lenovo G550 2958H2Q Processor – Intel® Core™ 2 Duo processor T6600 (2.20GHz...
Compaq Presario CQ40-400 is meant for mobility with stylish looks. The notebook comes in two models and is feature packed for high performance. 14.1-inch screen with HDMI port and good sound quality makes it good for video purpose. Black glossy finish is stylish. Check out complete specifications, review, price...
Lenovo Value Line G Series notebooks are affordable and good for personal use. There are three different series – G550, G530 and G450. G550 is the most popular series and having around ten models. Today we are covering G550 2958G7Q specifications, price details and our verdict for this affordable notebook. Model –...