If you are looking for a cheap and easy web hosting plan, shared hosting may be an option for you. While this type of hosting is ideal for beginners, it is not recommended if you plan to grow your website. Here are some tips to help you find the best shared web hosting plan. First, choose one with affordable monthly rates. Secondly, find one with an easy-to-use control panel and 24/7 phone or email support. Finally, find one with high uptime and good support.
Affordable monthly rates
Whether you’re launching a new website, or simply want to host a couple of websites, affordable monthly rates for shared web hosting are available from a wide range of companies. While there are some downfalls to cheap web hosting, most of them are rock-solid and offer excellent uptime. These providers also offer helpful features, including a built-in website editor and email management tools, disaster recovery, integration with content management systems, and the ability to monetize content.
Easy to maintain
While there are several benefits to using a shared hosting plan, the most important one is the cost. Shared hosting is inexpensive, and beginners do not need technical expertise to get started with it. Shared hosting service providers install the necessary software, monitor the server for downtime, and resolve any security issues. Once set up, users simply add domain names and manage their content via the hosting control panel. Then, they’re ready to go.

Responsive control panel
A responsive control panel for shared web hosting plans is a must-have for a host that wants to attract more business. In addition to being easy to use, responsive design is essential for a host that wants to keep customers happy. Most hosting control panels are not responsive. They are painful to use on mobile devices or broken altogether. In order to be mobile-friendly, a control panel should be light and responsive.
24/7 phone and email support
During your search for a shared web host, customer support should be one of your top priorities. Customer service is an integral part of the quality of any product or service. Customers will notice any slight issue, so make sure your host offers customer support round the clock. It may be true that you choose a hosting plan with the fastest Internet connection or the most stable server configuration, but without 24-hour phone or email support, you could be waiting for hours before you speak with a live person. Having 24-hour support will make a big difference if your website is down or not functioning.
Good neighbor policy
Using shared web hosting can lead to the bad neighbor effect, which occurs when another site uses up the server’s resources. This can lead to unexpected downtime, a tarnished reputation, and slow page loads. It can also hurt ad revenue and online sales. Thankfully, most web hosts have policies in place to combat the bad neighbor effect. Here are some tips on how to find a web host that has a good neighbor policy.
Read More: Here’s why you Need to Invest in Dedicated Servers for your Brand.