Olive Telecom has recently announced the launch of OlivePad VT100 that is India’s first 3.5G Pad. OlivePad is expected to be the strong contender of Apple’s iPad in Indian market. It’s still not available in stores but we are expecting it to be available soon by August end. OlivePad is designed to be...
Are you a fan of Linux OS and GMail but not happy that it’s missing the Video Chat browser support? Well, the good news is that GMail is now supporting video chat for Linux based Operating Systems. It means that you can simply download the Linux based plugin from Google...
Few days back we have seen hype all over for Google Wave. Now they have come up again with Google Buzz. Google Buzz has been officially released on 9th Feb 2010 and is the hottest topic nowadays. When I first peeked into Google Buzz the first thing popped up is “Are...
In the Internet world most of our important data specially pictures are stored on the remote servers via photo sharing sites. In this case it is necessary to keep it safe from unwanted access. So how to pick the cost effective service to keep photos secure from unwanted access?...
Its the start of new year a new decade too. Last decade has been great for notebooks, mobile technologies and full of new inventions in consumer electronics. We have seen iPod for music, iPhone for awesome mobile computing experience. Today we are covering ten gadgets and technologies that are...
Uninor is the new GSM provider in India that is a Joint Venture between Unitech Wireless and Telenor. Unitech is the real estate giant in India and Telenor is the Norway based Telecom company. Uninor has started their GSM service in 8 circles in India. Their call plans is very...
Asus launches it’s new tablet PC, T91MT Eee PC which is an advanced version of it’s predeccessor T91. This new T91MT Eee PC has multi-touch display which means T91MT is world’s first convertible tablet netbook having multi-touch screen display which supports Windows 7.The Eee PC T91MT is a nice...
Apple IPhone has always been in the news and its launch in South Korea is no exception. Around 60,000 units have been sold in the first day itself, although customers will have to wait for few days as stocks has not arrived to the stores yet – I guess...
Gunbus 410, the biggest motorcycle in the world, has been showcased by its manufacturer Leonhardt Manufacturing at the Essen motor show on 27th Nov 2009. The bike is 5 feet high, 11 feet long and 5 feet wide. It weighs 1400 pounds and comes with whooping power of 350 bhp....